An incredibly successful Meta Ads strategy with actionable tips


Creating Your Own Marketing "Holiday"

While Black Friday is great, creating your own “holiday” tailored to your audience can be a goldmine. We’ve seen outstanding results by choosing a specific day of the year when competition for attention is lower, resulting in lower CPM rates and more cost-effective advertising. It also provides a sales boost beyond the usual peaks like Black Friday and Christmas.

For our partner, Collar of Sweden, which sells stylish, custom-designed dog accessories worldwide, International Dog Day, which falls on August 26th each year, is the perfect “holiday.”

Preparatory Activity on Meta Ads: Traffic-Driving and Lead-Generating Ads

We started preparations months before International Dog Day by running traffic-driving ads. We used engaging and fun video content that our audience loves, which we’ve identified through years of A/B testing.

TIP! To maximize the effectiveness of traffic-driving ads, we recommend setting “sales” as the campaign objective and choosing “view content” as the conversion goal. This brings in higher-quality traffic compared to simply setting “traffic” as the goal. Make sure you have good tracking and CAPI in place – and if you need help with that, we’re here for you! 😉

Additionally, we created lead-generation ads, but instead of the classic “get early access to the sale” (which still works for some but feels a bit 2019 😜), we ran a contest where participants could win one of Collar of Sweden’s most popular products. This resulted in a CPL of less than 0,3 USD and tons of new, engaged customers that we can now reach via email marketing, both in the lead-up to Dog Day and beyond.

(Remember to follow all the competition rules in accordance with marketing laws and Meta Ads guidelines in your country)

Advertising on International Dog Day: Retargeting for Maximum Impact

All the preparation culminated on International Dog Day itself, and the results were a huge success! We ran retargeting ads aimed at people who had watched more than 10 seconds of our traffic-driving videos, interacted with our social media, or visited our website in the past 180 days.

We also sent out emails to all the new leads, of course.

For this retargeting campaign, we used catalog ads with an instant experience template and a video that clearly communicated our message: 30% off everything.

The Result: Record Sales and Increased Profits!

This strategy not only led to record sales but also to a higher profit percentage compared to the previous period, which was already successful with regular pricing.

How is that possible? Well, the profitability of our ads increased more than the margin loss from the discount, resulting in higher profits despite offering 30% off!

Several products even sold out, despite us stocking more than ever in preparation for the holiday.

In summary, our custom strategy for International Dog Day proved to be extremely successful, both in terms of sales and profitability. With careful planning and smart advertising, businesses of all sizes can create their own successful “holidays” that deliver long-term results.

Want help creating a similar strategy for your business or have questions about Meta Ads? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Ondigital!