How It Works (and Why You Should Care) In this guide, I’ll walk you through the concept of attribution and why it’s critical for online business owners and digital marketers. Attribution is basically the method we use to decide which channel deserves credit for a conversion. Sounds simple, right? The truth is, once you start […]
Two Ways to Create Powerful Reports in Google Looker Studio
Creating informative and visually appealing reports in Google Looker Studio doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced data analyst, there are different approaches depending on your skill level and needs. In this guide, we’ll explore two ways to create powerful reports – one easy and quick, and one more advanced […]
Harnessing Data: Empowering Businesses Through Data-Driven Decision Making
As we navigate through life and business, we often encounter the age-old adage: ‘Trust your gut.’ It’s a sentiment ingrained in us from an early age, suggesting that intuition and instinct are reliable guides in decision making. We’re taught to rely on our gut feelings, our inner voice, to steer us in the right direction. […]