
Customized reporting for successful decision-making

Actionable information

Google Looker Studio

The Importance of Good Reporting

To work data-driven, high-quality data is essential as a foundation. By collecting data from your various channels into BigQuery (database) and then visualizing it in Google Looker Studio, you gain control over the data, making it easy to analyze.




To maximize the success of your business, it is important to have valuable insights into your operations. By closely monitoring sales trends, you can identify opportunities and challenges at an early stage. This allows you to make quick and informed decisions, which is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

  • Valuable insights
  • Keep track of sales trends
  • Quick and informed decisions


Inventory management

To maximize your profit, it is important to avoid running out of NOOS products (never out of stock). By ensuring that the right products are always available to your customers, you create the conditions for a profitable and smooth operation.

  • Avoid running out of NOOS products (never out of stock)
  • Maximize your profit
  • Right products available


Customer insights

By gaining insights into customer behavior and product popularity, you can create tailored marketing that effectively reaches your target audience. This allows you to offer the right products and services, enhancing customer loyalty and driving sales.

  • Insights into customer behavior
  • Product popularity
  • Create customized marketing


Cost control

By monitoring and analyzing costs, you can identify opportunities to reduce expenses and thereby increase the profitability of your business. Effective cost control is key to long-term success and financial stability.

  • Monitor and analyze costs
  • Reduce costs
  • Increase profitability



By evaluating growth and preparing for scaling, you can identify which markets and channels are the most profitable. This provides you with a solid foundation for making strategic decisions that drive the company's expansion in a sustainable manner.

  • Evaluate growth and prepare for scaling
  • Which markets and channels are the most profitable



Simple communication within the company is facilitated when clear graphs are used, as they can convey complex information in a concise and effective manner. When everyone in the company has access to the same easy-to-understand data, it becomes easier to communicate and understand each other.

  • Easy to communicate within the company
  • Clear graphs convey a lot

Read about how we contributed to Rawfoodshop's success through effective reporting

Rawfoodshop, a green giant – wins the Swedish Di Gasell Master 2024!

This is important in a good report

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Tydlig översikt

Vår rapport innehåller en tydlig och kortfattad översikt av de mest centrala punkterna och resultaten, vilket ger dig en snabb insikt i dina data. Den är noggrant strukturerad för att underlätta din analys och gör det enkelt för dig att identifiera och välja de specifika områden du vill fördjupa dig i. Oavsett om du söker en snabb sammanfattning eller en djupare förståelse, är vår rapport utformad för att möta dina behov och hjälpa dig att fatta välgrundade beslut.

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Produktöversikten i rapporten ger en kondenserad sammanfattning av ditt sortiment. Den inkluderar viktiga detaljer som lagerstatus och försäljning, som visas genom visualiseringar och tabeller. Produktöversikten är ovärderlig för att snabbt bedöma produktens prestanda och utveckling över tid, vilket hjälper dig att fatta välgrundade beslut om dina produktutbud och lagerhantering. Genom att ha en tydlig och strukturerad översikt hjälper rapporteringen dig att optimera din produktstrategi och maximera din lönsamhet.

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Veckoöversikt gör det möjligt för dig att snabbt identifiera mönster och avvikelser som kan vara avgörande för att maximera prestandan och förstå den aktuella marknaden. Denna rapport gör att du kan vara smidig och anpassa dig till förändringar i realtid, vilket leder till ökad effektivitet, bättre beslutsfattande och förbättrad konkurrenskraft på marknaden.

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I en månadsöversikt kan du förvänta dig att hitta nyckeltal och mätvärden såsom intäkter, kostnader, trafik och marknadsföringsprestanda. Genom att jämföra dessa data månad för månad kan du avtäcka trender, identifiera mönster och förstå hur olika faktorer påverkar dina resultat över tid. Månadsöversikten är ett kritiskt verktyg för att hålla ditt företag på rätt spår och maximera din långsiktiga framgång.

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Do you want to build your report yourself but need to get the data in?

We create connectors, links between data sources and Google Looker Studio, so your company can visualize your data on your own.


Got questions?
We have answers

We understand you might have queries. Here are some common ones we've addressed for you.

This depends on how much data needs to be stored in the database and how advanced the report you require is. We also offer package prices for those who want to collaborate with us on multiple levels. Contact us, and we will come up with a good solution together!

Connectors enable you to integrate data from various sources directly into Google Looker Studio, eliminating the need for manual data export and import processes. This automation saves time and reduces the risk of data errors, ensuring that your reports and dashboards are always based on the latest information.

We take a holistic approach to measuring the success of your digital marketing campaigns by looking at the overall impact on your company's growth. Instead of just focusing on individual channels, we analyze how each channel contributes to your business's bottom line. To do this, we utilize a comprehensive report that integrates data from your internal systems, allowing us to track key metrics. This approach ensures that we have a clear, data-driven understanding of how your marketing efforts are influencing your business's overall success.

We tailor our communication to fit your preferences, ensuring that you're comfortable and informed throughout the collaboration. Whether you prefer regular meetings, email updates or phone calls, we're flexible and ready to adapt to your needs. That said, we believe in maintaining close collaboration to ensure the project moves forward smoothly and aligns with your goals. By staying in frequent contact, we can quickly address any questions, provide updates, and make adjustments to keep everything on track.

Let's get in touch!

Our agency is here to help whether you need assistance with our apps, data analysis and more. We have the expertise and experience to help you succeed. So why wait? Contact us today!